Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Balonys Detection KIT

Are you a Rational Thinker- Then here is the tool analysis things/Ideas you enclunter in life to see whether they are rational or not

Advise- Dont apply this test to Religion Likely to fail

Balonys Detection KIT

1) How Reliable is the source of the Claim

a.-Random data is likely to be scattered. if all data pointing to same direction Suspicious!

2) Does the source make similar claims?

a.-(open enough to new radical idea Not so open
enough so that your brain fall out)
belever in unforseen thinks like to believe in magics etc

3) Have the claims been verified by someone else

4) Does this fit with How the world works

5) Does anyone tried to disprove the cliam

6) Where does the preponderance of the evidence point?

7) Claimant playing by the rules of Science?

8) Is the claimant providing positive evidence

9) Does the new theory account for as many phenomena as old theory?

10) Are the personal beliefs driving the claim

Link to Video

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