LACKEYS OF ..............
by Ltheef Farook
Political and social changes in Turkey and their impacts in the region and beyond was the theme of a lecture organised by the website seylanmuslims. com at the Ranmuthu Hotel ,Colpetty on Wednesday 5 August 1009.
The historical aspect was dealt by Latheef Farook, senior journalist and author with more than a quarter century of working experience in the Middle East while senior journalist Ameen Izzadeen spoke about the overall changes now sweeping in Turkey. The lecture was followed by a stimulating question and answer session.
Dealing with the historic aspect and the forces that brought down the Othman Empire Latheef Farook had this to say;
In the little more than 14 century history of Islam and Muslims there have been many important periods such as 89 year rule of Omayyad in Damascus, 508 year Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad described as the Centre of Civilisation when Western Europe was in the dark ages, tenth century Fatimid dynasty in Egypt and North Africa, Muslim rule in Spain, Mughal rule in India and the Turkey’s vast Ottoman Empire.
Though the Abbasid caliphate was described as the Golden period of Islam, the Turkish Empire remains, the most glorious Islamic history .Othman Empire included North Africa covering Egypt that included Syria and Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia. Algeria and beyond. Over a period, they brought the entire Middle East under their rule. So much so Sheriff of Makka voluntarily offered the keys to the Holy City after which Othman Sultans assumed the title of Caliph of Islam.
Expanding towards Europe, they brought Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Cyprus, part of Hungary, Poland and Russia’s Crimean coast under their rule. They even reached the gates of Vienna and Paris. In the process, Mohammed 11 conquered Constantinople, the capital of Christian world and overthrew the Byzantine Empire. Constantinople, called Islambul during Othman rule was changed to Istanbul since the Othman Rule was brought down.
Second half of 16th century was regarded as the peak of the Othman Empire .In one of the unique records of dynastic history the first ten Othman Sultans provided able men of rare intelligence that enabled them to expand and build their empire uninterrupted. However, the subsequent rulers were found incompetent, degenerates and misfits leading to its decline of the empire in the 18th century.
The process of decline of the empire began with Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt in 1798. It was also the period when Europe started surging ahead following industrial revolution, technological advancement and the establishment of new colonies that brought them immense wealth. After establishing their colonies in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the two main European colonial powers ,Britain and France, wanted to bring under their control Muslim countries in the Middle East that were under Othman Rule.
By 1900 the Christian West led by Britain and France established upper hand in its political and military struggle against the Muslim world and began manipulating to topple Othman Empire.
It was the time, around early 20th century, Ottoman Empire was reduced to a ragged shadow of its former greatness. From 1889 onwards, opposition by a clandestine group called Young Turks began to intensify against the Ottoman ruler and a coup to overthrow him was crushed in 1896. However, the movement continued .In 1906 revolutionary cells were formed by serving military officers. The first was by Mustafa Kemal in Damascus.
In a related development, during the second half of 19th century, Jews mastered Turkish language, pretended to have embraced Islam and changed their names though they remained faithful to Judaism. They, together with Christians and Alavis, managed to get into key positions in the armed forces and the bureaucracy only to emerge as a state within state.
Meanwhile Jews in Europe mooted the idea of establishing a separate state in Palestine .In 1897 the first World Zionist Jewish Congress in Geneva decided to establish a racist Jewish state in Palestine after driving out the sons of the soil, Palestinians, in violation of all accepted norms and human decency.
They sent delegation after delegation to persuade Othman Sultan to allow them to colonise Palestine with migrant Jews. These requests were turned down by Sultan. Therefore the Jews too needed to topple Othman rule to clear the obstacle to achieve their dream - a Jewish state. Thus, the Zionist Jews got together with Britain and France to work together round the clock to remove Othman Sultan.
As part of this sinister conspiracy Jews, Britain and France manipulated to put the gullible Arabs rulers against Turkey that was already under political turmoil and lost most of its European colonies. At a time when desperate efforts were made to save what was left of the empire Mustafa Kemal was appointed on 19 May 1919, as the inspector general of the ninth army in the Black Sea Coastal Town of Samsun. Nevertheless, he betrayed and turned against Ottoman ruler.
It was under these circumstances that Turkey was proclaimed a Republic on 29 October 1923 with Mustafa Kemal of Young Turks as its President. The Turkish people wanted to retain Ottoman Sultan as constitutional monarch. However, Mustafa Kemal and the Jewish and British forces behind him forced Sultan to flee the country into exile. The virtual power remained in the armed forces while the bureaucracy was dominated by Jews and Alavis.
After almost a century today it was not clear how Mustafa Kemal emerged so powerful to overthrow the Othman Sultan whose soldiers fought valiantly against British invaders and sacrificed their lives. The talk is that Britain and Jews bought over Mustafa Kemal, toppled Othman rule and placed him in power. Up to date the circumstance under which Mustafa Kemal assumed power was not told to the world.
History, as we all know, has been written by winners and not losers. In the case of Mustafa Kemal’s rise to power, so far we only know the version written by the Jews and Britain who were masters in the field of twisting and distorting history to suit their interests as they do even today. There was hardly a book giving the Othman ruler’s side of the story. In fact writing such a book perhaps may be regarded as treason warranting death sentence.
Once in power Mustafa Kemal, backed by his armed forces and bureaucracy ,introduced some of the draconian sets of laws aimed at erasing Othman history and eliminating Islam from Turkish society.
Under the guise of secularism and westernisation, Mustafa Kemal abolished caliphate and Sharia laws despite 99 percent of the population being Muslims. Instead he introduced a new legal code that combined Swiss civil, Italian Penal and the German commercial codes.
Polygamy was declared illegal and civil marriage and divorce were recognised.
The clause in the constitution stating that the religion of the Turkish state is Islam was deleted .Public use of Arabic letters were banned and, in its place introduced Latin based alphabet turning overnight the entire population illiterate. All religious schools, girl’s schools, sacred tombs and several places of worship were closed. A new law requiring Turks to adopt surname was introduced .Pilgrimage to Makka was banned. Sunday was made the official holiday instead of Friday. Hundreds of thousands of religious scholars were massacred.
Thousands of mosques were destroyed. All religious titles such as sheikh or dervish were abolished and Islamic calendar was replaced with the Gregorian calendar.
He changed the role of women in society. As early as 1924 coeducation of girls and boys was introduced, active and passive female suffrage granted, introduced first Miss Turkey contest in 1929 and opened public beaches to women. The deliberate dissolution of Othman Islamic culture was completed with the establishment of Turkish Historical Society to rewrite history, brainwash the people and mislead the world.
Caliphate was abolished on 3 March 1924 and in 1928 state was made officially secular.
Even today, a Muslim woman cannot wear Hijab in the government offices while girls were not allowed to wear Hijab in schools, colleges and universities. They remove the Hijab before entering the offices, schools and other such places and put on when they leave. Government employs preachers and muezzins in all mosques. Religious people played an important role in the society under Othman rule. However, they were eliminated.
A person may be worst Muslim. However, he would never go to this extent to challenge the Almighty Allah by trying wipe out His message- Islam. Only Jews defied Allah. However, this was what Mustafa Kemal, his armed forces and bureaucracy had done and still doing.
Today, 86 years later, comes the answer to this unresolved mystery. Widespread belief in Turkey is that Mustafa Kemal was not a Muslim but a Jew from Romania. People in Turkey confide that Jews and Alavis who constitute less than one percent of the population have controlled, and still control, the military and the bureaucracy. They were never interested in the welfare of the people or the country. Their only interest has been to protect their power base and luxury lifestyle.
As a result today the anti people and anti Muslim military and the bureaucracy remain on one side while the government and the people on the other.
This is the situation in Turkey! What about the plight of other Muslims countries in Middle East?
During the First World War, Britain and France, asked the Arab rulers to support them against the Muslim Ottoman Turks, promising them a kingdom comprising the entire Fertile Crescent, which included present day Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and Syria. The Arabs trusted and supported Britain that, after the war, betrayed them. Instead, Britain helped Jews who had not even set foot on Palestinian soil to set up a Jewish state in the Muslim dominated Palestine. They threw the Palestinians into refugee camps in neighbouring countries, where they still live in appalling conditions.
Entering Jerusalem to occupy Palestine on December 9, 1917, Britain’s Sir Edmund Allenby arrogantly declared “THE CRUSADES HAVE ENDED TODAY”. The so-called friend of the Arabs, T. E. Lawrence, widely known as Lawrence of Arabia, visiting Allenby’s headquarters described Allenby’s entry into Jerusalem as the Supreme Moment of the War.
Under the secret Sykes-Picot Agreement signed on May 1916, Britain, France and Russia arrogated themselves the right to inherit the defeated and dismembered Ottoman Empire. They drew the political boundaries with little regard to the Arab wish, divided the Arab world into spheres of British and French influences and installed puppet regimes, almost all of them secular and often at loggerheads with one another, but serving their masters in Britain, Washington and Paris controlled directly and indirectly by powerful and ruthless Jewish lobbies.
Under this scheme Palestine, now turned into Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf countries and even Iraq were brought under Britain while the entire North Africa ranging from Tunisia, Algeria., Libya , Morocco, Lebanon and Syria were handed over to France.
Both Britain and France installed their puppets as rulers who even today serve them obediently. For example in Syria, around 95 percent of the population have been Sunni Muslims while Alavis constitute the remaining four percentage. France carefully screened, selected and placed in power Alavis and even today the armed forces, bureaucracy and the government itself were controlled by the Alavis while the Sunnis remain a voiceless and powerless majority. This explains why Syria killed more than 30,000 Sunnis in Hama and around 30,000 Palestinians in Tel Al Zatar.
In yet another example, Britain and the Zionist Jews concluded a Treaty of Friendship in 1916 with Abdul Aziz Ibn Al Saud, who had established his control over Nejd with the capture of Riyadh early in the last century.
The Ottomans lost control over Makka and Jeddah before losing Madina in 1919. Four days after the abolition of the caliphate on 3 March 1924 in Ankara, Shareef Hussein, who was appointed Shareef of Makka by the Ottoman rulers declared himself the Caliph of Makka on 7 March 1924. The purpose was to turn the caliphate system as the rallying point for Muslims all over the world.
This would have been a historic opportunity to rehabilitate the Muslim world and revive Islam. However, alarmed Britain and the Zionist Jews armed, financed and got Abdel Aziz Ibn Al Saud to attack Shareef Hussein, capture Makka and the surrounding areas and establish the Saudi Wahhabi rule that was not favourable to the system of caliphate.
In return, Al Saud family has been obediently and shamelessly collaborating with Washington, London, Paris and the Zionist Jews in all their conspiracies against Islam and Muslims. This also include the Zionist sponsored and Anglo American implemented wars such as Iraq-Iran war, Gulf war to evict Iraqi troops from Kuwait, United States and United Kingdom spearheaded war on Iraq, Afghanistan and the December 2008/January 2008 Israeli carnage in Gaza to cite a few.
Meanwhile Egypt, once in the forefront in the struggle against Zionism, has now become satellite state of Israel. Egypt’s oppressive Dictator Hosni Mubarak has openly supported and assisted all Judeo Christian conspiracies against the Arabs and Muslims. Disgraceful state of affairs was such that there were reports that Israel, Palestine Authority, Egypt. Saudi Arabia and Jordan planned for six long months in Amman the Israel attack on Gaza. Egypt’s Dictator Hosni Mubarak described by the blind Egyptian cleric Sheikh Abdul Rahman as the “obedient dog of the West”, blessed the then Zionist foreign minister in Cairo 48 hours before Israel began its massacre of Palestinians in Gaza.
In Pakistan former dictator turned President Pervez Musharraf slaughtered his own people to please Bush-Blair crusaders. His successor in a sham of a democracy worked out by the Americans Asif Sardari , better known as Mr Ten Percent and was accused of murdering his own brother in law Murtaza Bhutto besides many other crimes, is no better as he is also shedding innocent Pakistani blood to please his masters in the West especially Washington.
Today the Zionist Jews set the agenda and the Arab rulers follow obediently under pressure from their masters in Washington, London and France. This is the shameful state of affairs in the Muslims countries where the rulers constitute some of the most oppressive dictators in the world .Their prime concern has been to protect their power at any cost and not the welfare of the people or the country. This is the tragic plight of the countries in the Middle East.
What about the position of Muslims in the vast Central Asian region? What happened in Turkey happened here too.
While the Jews and Britain were manipulating to bring down Othman rule in Turkey during the early 19th century, there came the Bolshevik revolution in Russia overthrowing Tsar and establishing an atheist communist regime. Prominent leaders of this movement were Karl Marx and Lenin who were all Jews.
As they did in the case of Turkey, the Jewish dominated communist regime in Moscow completely banned all religious activities .Thus the Muslim population in the entire Central Asian region were deprived of their right to practise their religion .In fact Islam was crushed and Muslims were brainwashed to be atheist.
In the aftermath of the collapse of the former Soviet Union in 1990, Christian East bloc countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Chechoslavakia and Yugoslavia were allowed to go free and even join the European Union and NATO. However, the Central Asian Muslim countries such as Uzbekistan, Khazakistan, Kirgystan, Turkeminsitan Azerbaijan and the like were brutally kept under Russian grip with a façade of an organization called Commonwealth of Independent States; CIS. Thus, they were deprived of the freedom, which was given to the East bloc Christian countries. Chechens Muslims tried for autonomy and their fate is common knowledge. This oppression continues all over central Asia.
This is the plight of what we call the Muslim world that is controlled by London, France, Washington and Russia.
Under the circumstances, how can the innocent Muslims protect themselves from the Judeo-Christian crusade unleashed under the guise of war against terrorism, as it happens in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Somalia and other places, while the puppet rulers in Muslim countries turn blind eyes? In this Jewish sponsored murderous campaign to demonise Islam and justify killing Muslim the Zionist Jews, Christian West, RSS Hindu in India and the communists , have got together while rulers in Muslim countries who have brought the Muslims to the brink of graveyards shamelessly collaborate. Ends
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