Friday, January 29, 2010

Presidential Election 2010

Note form a BLOG

Finally, Mahinda Rajapaksha has won with overwhelming majority!

A significant majority seems to have voted for the candidate who did not differentiate himself from the state and who over the past four years selectively ignored the Constitution he had sworn to follow; whose campaign disregarded lawful directives from the Elections Commissioner and pretty much broke every rule in the book. The vote went to the antithesis of the rule of law.

This election was a collision between Constitutionalism and Feudalism as many experts describe.

Constitutionalism is respect for words on paper that say what power holders can and cannot do; it is basically about the widespread respect for law:

Under Feudalism the King was in complete control. He owned all the land in the country and decided who he would lease land to. He therefore only allowed those men he could trust to lease land from him. However, before they were given any land they had to swear an oath to remain faithful to the King at all times.

Jackson Anthony, a leading figure in Sinhala media and arts, who once presented a program on history, says, nepotism is right under national values, it is wrong for westerners and their system - democracy!

So, under feudal model

1. People can except from the King only 2 things: safeguarding the land from enemy and protecting the religion. (development is not an important issue)

2. King will use the resources of the country to his own desire, people cannot question. People have to pay the tax but cannot ask its use.

3. Artist and intellectual support the king unconditionally, not for the personal gain but it is considered as an honor

4. Finally we can understand the hatred towards the Sarath Phonseka. He has grown under the king, king has fed him. But, he went against the king. He aligned with enemies of this country รข€“ Tamil, Muslim political parties and Westerners. He conspired against the king. He committed a big sin and he should be XXXX.

The message is : we should all protest the value system and democracy introduced to this country by Europeans and should follow the national system, which is almost similar to feudalism.