Friday, February 27, 2009
Response to-‘Men of God and men who kill in God’s name’
By Latheef Farook
About CNN presenter Christian Amanpour’s dissemination of news. The pro Jewish Western media, integral part of Western war machines, always manipulates public opinion, with their lies, to facilitate the warmongers to help implement their evil designs especially on Muslim countries. For example, encouraged by the US Ambassador April Glaspie the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein sent his troops to Kuwait and triggered off the Gulf Crisis.
Media, especially Christian Amanpour and her CNN, played a crucial role in misleading the world to enable the US to invade and destroy Iraq under the guise of liberating Kuwait . As a journalist who witnessed the media manipulation during this war from the Gulf, I could state that the media won this war before the armies even entered the battlefield.
Who benefitted? The western weapons industry .They sold a staggering $ 157 billion of armaments to Gulf countries that were all brought under the military umbrella of the US . In his first statement after the war, former US President George Bush Sr said, “ Israel is safe and the oil flows freely”. It was Israel that badly wanted this war and the US merely obliged.
Islam gave birth to one of the greatest civilisations in world history, enriched many other civilisations and in fact it was the Muslims’ contribution that triggered off the Renaissance in Europe . So how come the Muslims with such a fascinating and inspiring history have suddenly become terrorists now?
It was the years of systematic injustice, brutalities and oppression of Muslims by US, Britain, Europe, Zionist Jews and now joined by the Hindutva dominated India that turned peaceful Muslims to resort to armed struggle to establish their rights and dignity. Besides, they also imposed and protected cruel and oppressive dictators in Muslim countries who keep the people suppressed and obstruct their progress
Dealing with religious fundamentalism, Brian spoke about al Qaeda, Hamas, LeT and Taliban, but conveniently dropped the two largest and deadliest terrorist groups in the world- Zionist Jewish and Hindutva terrorism. Kashmiris were known for their peaceful nature. Political manoeuvrings of the Central Government in Delhi , rigging of elections in 1987 and 1996, years of political turmoil, economic problems, poverty and many other factors led to the 1989 mass uprisings and created the LeT.
Hamas is an organisation struggling to free the Palestinians from the Zionist Jews who robbed their lands to set up their Jewish racist state of Israel that was born out of terrorism. Israel is not a democracy, but an ethnocracy. Hamas was elected in a spotless free and fair election supervised by no lesser a person than former US President Jimmy Carter. Trying to crush Hamas only showed that the US claim to promote democracy is a farce.
About what Pope said;
In an extremely inflammatory speech, Pope Benedict associated Islam with violence at his former University of Regensburg , in his native Bavaria in Southern Germany , on 12 September 2006.
Citing an obscure medieval text, recounting a fictitious conversation between 14th-century Byzantine Christian Emperor Manuel Paleologos II and a Persian scholar on Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) Pope Benedict asked “show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached”.
He called upon Muslims to fight terrorism. This would have sounded fair if Pope Benedict, as Cardinal Erst Ratzinger, had called upon the Catholic community to shed terrorism when the IRA bombs killed more than 3,500 people, or if called upon Zionist Jews to stop killing innocent Palestinians who were made prisoners in their own homes and lands. However, Pope Benedict was not slow to punish Muslims around the world with a collective and guilt-ridden responsibility.
Pope Benedict’s remarks were either “the result of pitiful ignorance" about Islam and its prophet, or worse, a deliberate distortion of the truths. He later said he was “deeply sorry for his comments on Islam”.
Child abuse has been a major problem within the Catholic Church and did the Muslim media or any Muslim scholar in the world exploit this opportunity to humiliate the church and Catholicism?
Nevertheless, the question is how can Pope Benedict, as head of Catholic Church and a man of peace, accept an invitation by George Bush, who was described as a monstrous war criminal by Richard Horton, a doctor and the editor of the Lancet, named as a war criminal by British playwright and Nobel laureate Harold Pinter. He demanded that the Pope’s host be taken to the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague .
Yet Pope Benedict accepted Bush’s invitation, marking his 81st birthday, and provided a seal of approval for his crusade against Muslims. There Pope Benedict never found time to speak a word about the slaughter of more than 1.3 million Iraqi Muslims and virtual destruction of the Iraqi society.
According to Brian, Muslim terrorists have killed a total of 1027 people in Bali , US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania , US and French peacekeepers and others in London and Madrid . He should probe little more and find out the cause for these killings.
George Bush and Tony Blair together with their Australian racist poodle John Howard unleashed a global campaign demonizing Islam to inflame hatred against Muslims.
Iraq was an almost developed country known for its rich historic past. The US led invasion killed more than 1.4 million innocent men, women, children and the aged and threw more than four million into refugee camps both within and outside the country where they suffer to this day in appalling conditions. Hundreds of thousands of innocent women were raped and killed destroying the fabric of a society known for its religious values. Highly developed health, education, water, sewage and all other basic facilities were in ruins and Israel ’s secret service Mossad murdered hundreds of intellectuals and professionals.
In Fallujah, a city of 300,000 people, Bush dropped internationally banned and improved versions of napalm bombs, which burnt and melted fasting Muslims to death. The American media, despite its modern technology, was quite conspicuous in its silence on the Fallujah massacre, which is one of the most horrendous acts of genocide in modern history. There is lawlessness everywhere. Today the entire Iraqi population remains traumatised and these are the obscene images of crimes that cry out to the Heavens for vengeance. Yet did Brian ever describe Bush and Blair and Howard as terrorists?
If Brian Jansz was an Iraqi whose family was wiped out and whose daughters were raped and killed what would be his feeling towards Bush and Blair? I am sure if you have little bit of self-respect, dignity and feelings for your slaughtered loved ones you would rise up against this Anglo American savagery. Under such circumstance if I call you a terrorist what, would be your feeling? This is what you had done, Mr. Jansz, when you described the oppressed Muslims fighting for freedom as Islamist terrorists!
About 9/11 it was not the Muslims, but the Jews who danced in jubilation from neighboring building and video filmed the collapse of the WTC buildings. Almost every independent study undertaken by numerous professionals, institutions and organisations into the collapse of the WTC building came to one conclusion. And that was Muslims have nothing to do with this disaster as the Twin Tower buildings were not brought down by the aircrafts but by missiles placed within the buildings.
Exploiting the fear psychosis created by the media in the aftermath of 9/11 George Bush accused Al Qaeda of masterminding the attacks, invaded Afghanistan within 27 days, killed hundreds of thousands of poverty stricken Afghans and installed a restaurant owner Hamid Karzai as president against the will of the people before starting to set up military bases all over the country. Afghans have been waging a fierce struggle to oust the occupier. Can we call them terrorists? If they are terrorists, what do we call George Bush and Tony Blair who had inflicted this unprecedented death, devastation and sufferings?
Almost eight years after 9/11 today, provoking the religious sensitivities of Muslims to justify the destructive designs has become an organized global campaign. Inevitably, average Christians have become victims of this plot just as much as the unfortunate Muslims have been.
With regard to Danish cartoons insulting Islam’s beloved Prophet.
Prophets are no ordinary people. They were chosen by the Almighty God to send His message to humanity as a whole. Is there any need to make fun out of them. No Muslim ever insulted Jesus or Moses because they are two of the most important prophets of Islam.The mere thought of insulting a prophet is blasphemy.
This caricature to stir up racial and religious antagonisms was first published in January 2006 in the far rightwing Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Why Denmark ? Why not London or New York ? Denmark is the centre of activities for Mossad, which maintains very close relationship with the Danish intelligence service. The journalist who was instrumental in triggering off the controversy over the cartoons is an Islam-hating Ukrainian Jew, operating under the name of “Flemming Rose” with close working relations with the Israel ’s far right forces. Columnists James Petras and Robin Eastman pointed out that ‘the centre piece of the current explosive confrontation between the Muslim world and the US and Western European regimes and publishers are rooted in Israeli efforts to polarize the world in its favour and to promote isolation, economic sanctions and/or a military attack on Iran ’.
No Muslim throughout their more than 14 century history ever insulted members of other faiths. This is not part of Muslim culture and Islam completely forbidden such sadistic perversion.
Manipulating the media the West managed to successfully sell the Al Qaeda threat although, even today, Al Qaeda remains an organisation without an office, without an address, without a telephone or fax number and even without an e-mail address.
Muslim countries are being attacked and bombed with impunity; Muslims are tortured and killed, their religion and prophet mocked. Muslims are among the poorest people in the world and their countries the least developed despite some Muslim countries having enormous wealth and riches. Muslims now realise that the fight against terrorism was a skilfully executed conspiracy, crusade, against Islam and Muslims to reduce Muslim countries to wastelands.
This was proved beyond doubt by recent events in Iraq , Afghanistan , Somalia , Algeria , Bosnia , Kosovo , Albania , Chechnya , occupied Palestine , Kashmir, Gujarat and Central Asian Muslim Republics and many other areas where Muslims were suppressed. However, no one speaks about them. During the past one and a half decades, more than 12 million Muslims were driven to refugee camps where they suffer in abject poverty.
So long these oppressions continues Muslims are bound to fight for their Rights and Dignity .Ends
‘Men of God and men who kill in God’s name’
Scroll down the web page
‘Men of God and men who kill in God’s name’
I refer to an article penned by Dr. Marina Reffai in your esteemed newspaper a few weeks back regarding the above subject. ‘Jihad’ means a ‘Holy war.’ In the true context it is fighting ‘temptation’ of shaitan (satan) or against anyone desecrating the name of God. The blurbs of the CNN presenter Christian Amanpour outlined how that news channel covered all aspects of world news and not as an insult to any religious belief.
I don’t intend to make this a controversy but explain to the doctor that it is the bounden duty of newscasters to disseminate news as it happens utilising the modern technology available. There is nothing to be sore about when it comes to facing the ‘truth.’ In modern times ‘religious fundamentalism’ has become a weapon of certain terrorist groups viz. al Qaeda, Hamas, LeT, Taliban among many others who are holding the free world hostage with their twisted ideologies. To prove the facts let me outline a few atrocities;
1. The Pope says that jihad violence is against God’s nature — Muslims get insulted
2. Muslim terrorists murder 202 tourists in Bali — expects no criticism.
3. Muslim terrorists murder 292 innocents in US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania — expect no criticism
4. Muslim terrorists murder 241 US and 58 French peacekeepers in Beirut — expects no criticism.
5. Muslim terrorists murder 52 in London and 191 in Madrid — expects no criticism
6. Muslim terrorists behead Western hostages in Iraq and Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia — expects no criticism
7. Muslim extremists force women to wear sacks in Afghanistan, stone to death women for getting raped or leaving home un-escorted, engage in honour killing of sisters and daughters for dating a suitor — and expect no criticism.
8. Muslims danced in the streets and handed out sweets to the children to celebrate the horror of 9/11 and other worldwide terror attacks — and expect no criticism
9. Muslims have carried out over 5,800 fatal terrorist atrocities since 9/11 — and expect no criticism.
What a hue and cry was raised when a Danish cartoonist produced some caricatures. Demonstrations by the Muslim diaspora who, in the first place, had poured into Denmark seeking safety from terrorists in their own countries, demanded an apology.
The Danes quite correctly reciprocated. "We’re sorry we gave you shelter when war drove you from your country, sorry we took you in when other Muslim nations rejected you, sorry we gave you food and shelter when you had none, sorry we let you re –unite with families when your homeland was not safe, sorry we never forced you to work while we paid your bills, sorry we gave you free rent, phone , internet, car and school for your 10 kids, sorry we built mosques so you could worship your religion in our Christian land, sorry we never forced you to learn our language even after living for 30 years."
Due to holy wars and ideological wars Muslims, en masse, have found refuge in many Western countries as refugees and after establishing themselves — thanks to the generosity of those countries — want the hosts to ‘play ball.’
In this respect I will quote John Howard the former prime minister of Australia, a courageous leader: "Immigrants, not Australians, must adapt. Take it or leave it. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Our culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories of millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak English, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic Chinese, Japanese, Russian or any other language. Therefore if you wish to become part of our society you have no choice but to learn our language. Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact because Christian men and women, on Christian principles founded this nation and this is clearly documented. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture. We will accept your beliefs. And will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with as. This is our country, our land and our lifestyle and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy this. But once you are finished complaining, whining and griping about our Flag, our pledge, our Christian belief or our way of life, I highly encourage you to take advantage of one other great Australian freedom… the right to leave! If you are not happy here then leave. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to come here. So accept the country you accepted.
So to those who daily see and hear the atrocities of war due to extreme, religious fundamentalism causing such suffering of innocent people in the world I have outlined the twisted egotistic ideologies of the few individuals who ‘want to rule the world and people’s minds’ through terror tactics.
In closing I wish to recall an incident I witnessed whilst working in the Middle East. It took place during the Iran-Iraq war a few year back. This occurred on an Arab TV channel that was showing pictures of that war.
The irony is that while the war rages on the soldiers in the battlefield kept a continuous barrage of firing on the opposing side while they do likewise. When the muezzin (priest) calls all believers to prayer (which is done five times a day) every man lays down his arms, spreads out his prayer mat and prays. The very moment it is finished they all are back in business — killing each other.
Brian Jansz, Pannipitiya See The Reply to this Article
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Equal Grounds
Are we handling the problem correctly
(this was my response to the discussion on Equal Grounds (NGO) conducting workshops in kathankuddy)
Human Sexuality involves
Sex Identity
Sex Role
Sexual Orientation
Sex Identity consists of:
1. Identity due to external body organs (like penis for males)
2. Social or Legal Identity - By giving a female name we identify person as female (Social) or in birth certificate it is recorded as male or female (legal)
3. Psychological where a person thinks he is male or female children develop this at the age of 3 years
Sex Role
Is How each sex behaves
it is learned from society, Boy learns from father brother and same sex friends
girl learns from mother, sister and same sex friends
Sex roles are different from society to society
it is changing with time
e.g.-Trouser was a basically male dress item but not any more
Sex Orientation
Once person matures he or she is physically and sexually attracted to opposite sex
(heterosexuals) , and some percentage of people are attracted same sex (Homosexuals)
There are lot of knowledge and theories in medicine (psychology) explaining how human sexuality develops starting from genetics to neuro hormonal influences to social influence
Homosexuality is a problem of Sex orientation
Transgender is problem of sex Identity
and the list goes
A male Homosexual is
Biologically male
He thinks he is a male (sex Identity)
He behaves like a male (sex Role)
He is attracted sexually to males (sex orientation)
A Lesbian is
Biologically female
She thinks she is female (Identity)
Behaves like a Female (sex Role)
She is sexually attracted to Females (orientation)
As mentioned above There are theories to explain why a person becomes Homosexual (any standard Psychology text books explains in detail)
Homosexuality was considered Psychological Disease ( Mental and Behavioural Disorders ICD9)
But WHO ICD10 (international Classification of Disesess 10) do not consider as disease still Homosexuality could be included as disease under other categories). Americans do not consider homosexuality as form of disease.
So we like or not there will be percentage of Muslim who are Homosexuals- Not due to fault of theirs but due to various affects during early child development.
What are we going to do?- we can close our eye and wait wishing they go to hell or formulate a good response and create a program to rehabilitate them. If not Organizations like EG will come to their rescue with or without hidden agenda and use them ageist us.
Equal ground web site Promoting Homosexuality
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
LTTE-"the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself"
Strategic Miscalculation by the LTTE
By Shanaka Jayasekara
Associate Lecturer,
Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (PICT)
Macquarie University
Sydney, Australia
In recent history there is only one example of an absolute victory over a terrorist group, that too from South Asia. The Indian forces completely destroyed the Khalisntan terror groups in Operation Blue Star in 1984. Today the Khalistan terror groups are limited to a few diaspora supporters in Canada, US and UK.
Sri Lanka is now at the threshold of being the second example of an absolute victory over a terrorist group, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. The defeat of the LTTE is much a success of the Sri Lankan military as it is a grave miscalculation by the LTTE.
The beginnings of the collapse can be traced to changes in the LTTE strategy from 2004 onwards. In October 2004, a delegation of the LTTE, headed by Suppayya Pramu Tamilselvan, undertook a month long tour of Europe and held high level meeting with senior officials of Foreign Ministries in 10 European countries. The meetings were arranged by Norwegian diplomats in each of these countries.
The LTTE had, by this stage, undergone a paradigm shift in thinking. After many years of pursuing a military strategy, they had come to believe the next phase towards statehood was the progressive achievement of international acceptance. The LTTE believed direct diplomatic access in Europe had paved the way for "Proto-State" status in the corridors of Western powers.
The LTTE, for the first time, had shifted from power broking in Tamil Nadu politics as the means to pressure Sri Lanka, to building a more ambitious Western led diplomatic offensives against the Sri Lankan government. The LTTE were either misinformed by the influx of diaspora advisers or were under an illusion that access to Foreign Ministries equated to a foreign policy shift on Sri Lanka. It is likely that it was a combination of both, over ambitious diaspora advisers and LTTE delegations flattered by overseas experiences.
At the time, the LTTE considered primary obstacle to greater international acceptance was the UNP links (Ranil-Moragoda) with the liberal-conservative side of politics globally. The former LTTE ideologue, Late Anton Balasingham, accused the UNP of building a global safety net to the detriment of the LTTE.
At the Presidential elections in November 2005 the candidates of the two main political parties had taken very different positions on the path to a political solution to the conflict. The UNP candidate Ranil Wickremasignhe in his manifesto stated, he will pursue a political settlement based on the Oslo Communiqué to explore a federal solution. (pages 16 & 17 UNP Peoples manifesto). The candidate from the SLFP/JVP coalition, Mahinda Rajapaksa, in his manifesto stated that the unitary structure of the State would be preserved. (Mahinda Chnthana English version page 32). The candidates had clearly indicated the type of devolution offered to the LTTE.
The UNP, the only national party to have an elected representative from the Jaffna district, traditionally on a two party preference, poled better among minority groups.
The LTTE had control of the Vanni region in the Northern Province and the capability to influence the Jaffna peninsula. The primary objective of the LTTE was to achieve diplomatic parity and the main obstacle was the Ranil-Moragoda connections. The LTTE had become over confident of its military capabilities and was ambitiously pursuing a strategy of diplomatic successes. Towards this end, the LTTE had already assassinated former Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar, thereby creating a dearth of internationally recognized personalities in the SLFP/JVP coalition. The LTTE were convinced that they would be favoured over a SLFP/JVP coalition Presidency by the international community and this provided a better chance of achieving a level of legitimacy for the organization.
Realizing that UNP candidate, Ranil Wickremasignhe, may win the Presidential elections if the minority Tamils voted, the LTTE imposed a complete boycott of the Presidential elections in the Northern Province. As reported in the EU Election Observer Mission Report (Nov 2005), the LTTE successfully enforced a total boycott of the elections in areas controlled by them.
The final results of the Presidential elections, Mahinda Rajapaksa received 4,887,152 votes and Ranil Wickremasignhe 4,706,366. The SLFP/JVP candidate Mahinda Rajapaksa won the Presidential elections by 180,786 votes. The registered voters in the Northern Province that were prevented from voting by the LTTE exceed 400,000 persons.
As Sun Tzu in his book, Art of War, writes "the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself". Indeed the LTTE being over confident of its military capabilities had grossly miscalculated strategy. It blatantly disregarded the capacity of the Sri Lankan state to mobilize a military campaign, and banked on diapora advice for a diplomatic offensive against Sri Lanka .
The LTTE began mounting an international diplomatic campaign and was gaining ground following the collapse of the Geneva peace talks, the cancellation of the Millennium Challenge grants, Senator Leahy amendment restricting military assistance, loss of seat at the Human Rights Committee and the EU GSP+ coming under scrutiny, demonstrated the international strengths of LTTE activists . At this crucial stage, Anton Balasingham, the only accurate representation of the LTTE outside Sri Lanka, died in December 2006. It was Anton Balasingham that acted as the channel of communication for the LTTE with foreign governments. To the LTTE, he was indispensable. In fact officials of the EU and several other governments travelled to London regularly to meet with Balasingham. The LTTE had no replacement for Balasingham and the ambitious diplomatic victories fast faded out.
The LTTE strategy had not factoured the arrival of Gotabaya Rajapaksa from the United States, the elder brother of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Gotabaya, a retired Colonel in the Sri Lanka Army, actively participated in the battles of Vaddamarachchi in 1987. Gotabaya assumed office as Secretary of Defence and set about a strategy for the elimination of the LTTE, drawing on his own experience on the battlefield. The "Gotabaya Strategy" was three pronged the first priority was to enhance the manpower strength of the military. Between 2006-2008 the security forces expanded by 70,000 soldiers and the auxiliary civil defence force by 40,000 persons. The second element of the strategy was to destroy the weapons supply capability of the LTTE. In this regard the Navy played a pivotal role by destroying almost the entire shipping fleet of the LTTE. The Navy targeted these floating armories in international waters sinking seven large merchant vessels operated by the LTTE. The third element of the strategy was closer cooperation between the three armed forces. In the absence of a structured coordination process, Gotabaya used his personal relationships with senior commanders of the three services to ensure effective coordination at the operational level.
When the LTTE blocked the Mavil Aru reservoir in July 2006 preventing irrigation and water supply to rice fields downstream, the government was ready to use military force to evict the LTTE from the Eastern Province. The defection of LTTE Eastern leader Karuna had factionalized the LTTE in the Eastern Province. The security forces after one year of battle had totally liberated the Eastern Province with the final battle of Thoppigala in July 2007.
In February 2008, the security forces embarked on clearing the Northern Province, commencing with the battle of the Madhu Church. Security Forces pursued a strategy of capturing the coastline on the North Western and Eastern coast. This strategy of progressing along the coast prevented the LTTE from landing supplies, limited the operational space for the Sea Tigers and prevented and outflow of refugees to India. The Army had established several offensive divisions which spearheaded the forward thrust, while defensive divisions were tasked with consolidation newly liberated territory. The Army adopted innovative battlefield strategies that out maneuvered the LTTE defences. Special Forces teams actively operated in enemy territory disrupting the mobility of the LTTE.
In 10 months, the security forces had reached the northern most town of Pooneryn on the western flack and had come almost to Mullaitivu on the Eastern flank. The three main offensive divisions were supplemented with additional manpower strength by establishing three more semi-strength divisions. At the time of the Kilinochchi battle three full divisions and three semi-strength divisions (Task Force) were positioned for attack from six directions. The Gotabaya Strategy of crippling the weapons supplies had prevented the LTTE from replenishing ammunition stocks. The LTTE could not prevent the advance of the security forces due to a serious shortage of ammunition. The LTTE had expected to receive a consignment of weapons which they procured in July 2008 from Ukraine. However, only one trawler load managed to breach the naval cordon and reach the coast at Mullaitivu. This consignment helped the LTTE stall the military advance for a short period resisting the fall of Kilinochchi. This was when LTTE sympathetic defence writers suggested that Kilinochchi was the "battle of Stalingrad" and the LTTE elite fighting units will reverse the battlefield fortunes.. However, with six flanks closing in on the LTTE, the defences at Paranthan north of Kilinochchi collapsed (01 January 2009) and following a string of attacks by the security forces the LTTE was evicted from their prestigious stronghold of Kilinochchi (02 January 2009) considered the de-facto capital of the LTTE.
After the LTTE defences at Elephant Pass collapsed (08 January 2009) two additional divisions stationed in the Jaffna peninsula reached the battle ground on the mainland. At present, one division (55 Division) is moving south from the Jaffna peninsula, three full divisions (57 Division, 58 Division & 59 Division) and three semi-strength divisions (Task Force 2, 3, & 4) are positioned from the south and south-east. A four ring Naval cordon is positioned off the coast of Mullaitivu. The Security Forces entered Mullaitivu (25 January 2009), the last major town held by the LTTE. The LTTE had constructed several underground command and control facilities, fuel dumps and ordnance factories in areas surrounding Mullaitivu, all of which have now been captured by the Security Forces. The capture of the 67,000 litre diesel storage facility at Dharmapuram has caused an acute mobility problem for the LTTE and power shortages for communication equipment. The LTTE has retained the hardcore fighters for the final battle. However, the manpower strength of 4 Divisions and 3 semi-strength Divisions approaching on seven flanks is more than what the depleted LTTE can resist.
Military Position as at 29 January 2009
As the government continues to encircle the LTTE, the civilian population that has been displaced due to the conflict, which numbers around 200,000 persons, will need to be protected. Accorditing to Human Rights Watch Report titled "Trapped and Mistreated"December 2008, the LTTE is using the displaced population as a human shield and preventing them from leaving LTTE terrirtory. The Government has demarcated a Civilian Safe Zone and have air dropped leaflets informing the populations to move to this area. The government will need to take extra precuations to minimise civilian casualties, especially be cautious of deceptive LTTE intelligence that could result in an embarresing humanitarian debacle for the government.
Territory Controlled by the LTTE
The survival of the LTTE is completely dependent on the survival of its elusive leader Velupillai Prabakran. The LTTE is structured around an all powerful leader to whom all must take an oath of allegiance, and has no second-in-command. Therefore, the elimination or exile of Prabakaran will create a power vacuum among the key commanders all of whom are of equal rank in the organization. There is a strong likelihood that the elimination of Prabakaran could splinter and factionalize the LTTE with key commanders operating independently of each other. In the current situation the fate of Prabakaran can take three scenarios.
The contracting territory of the LTTE will make Prabakaran more vulnerable. In fact over the last few weeks the human and technical intelligence on LTTE movements has increased several fold. On 12 January 2009, a former bodyguard of Prabakaran was captured by the security forces and two underground hideouts of Prabakaran were targeted with bunker-buster bombs. Therefore, the first scenario is that improved intelligence may lead to a surgical air or ground strike killing Prabakaran in the next few weeks.
The second scenario is Prabakaran fleeing into exile. The Tamil diaspora has been actively attempting to facilitate Prabakaran's escape from Sri Lanka. It is possible that Prabakaran may attempt to seek refuge in a South East Asian country. It is suspected that LTTE weapons procurement chief Kumaran Pathmanathan (KP) for whom several INTERPOL arrests warrants have been issued lives safely in South East Asia. Therefore, it is plausible that Prabakaran be transported clandestinely to a South East Asian destination. The Tamil diaspora is of the view that Prabakaran even in exile can provide inspirational leadership to the remaining elements of the movement, locally and overseas.
The third scenario is a mutiny within the LTTE in which Prabakaran is killed by one of his own commanders. It is possible that some commanders and combatants may contemplate a life after LTTE. Already, the security forces are making overtures to senior LTTE commanders to defect. The success story of Karuna as a head of political party and now a member of Parliament may be viewed as incentives for defection.
Whatever the fate of Prabakaran, the LTTE as a conventional force has been completely annihilated. The LTTE will no longer control territory and not have the capacity to launch conventional style battles again. It is possible that factional and splinter groups may reorganize themselves as guerrilla outfits attempting to engage in internecine attacks to destabilize the Northern Province.
The most likely scenario is that the international network of the LTTE which remains active and strong will continue the battle for Tamil Eelam in exile. They will follow the same path as the Khalistan groups which have an active diaspora movement but do not have a commensurate local military campaign.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
How Palestine became Isreal
How Palestine Became Israel.
In the late 1800s a small, fanatic movement called “political Zionism” began in Europe.
Its goal was to create a Jewish state somewhere in the world. Its leaders settled on the ancient and long-inhabited land of Palestine for the location of this state.1
Palestine's population at this time was approximately ninety-six percent non-Jewish (primarily Muslim and Christian).2
Over the coming decades Zionist leaders used various strategies to accomplish their goal of taking over Palestine:
- Encouraging Jewish immigration to Palestine, partly through the invention of such deceptive slogans as "a land without a people for a people without a land," when, in fact, the land was already inhabited. Since the majority of Jews were not Zionists until after WWII, Zionists used an array of misleading strategies, including secret collaboration with the Nazis, to push immigration.3
- Convincing a “Great Power” to back this process. By turn, Zionists approached the Ottomans, the British, and the U.S. to further their cause. While the Ottomans turned them down, the British (being promised that American Zionists would push the U.S. to enter World War I on the side of England) eventually acceded, as did the U.S. (due to concerns of politicians like Harry Truman that they would lose elections otherwise).4
- Buying up the land (sometimes through subterfuges), proclaiming it Jewish for all eternity, and refusing to allow non-Jews to live or work on the purchased land. This was called "redeeming" the land and was financed by a variety of means, including by such wealthy banking families as the Rothschilds.5
In the 1930s, Jewish land ownership had increased from approximately 1% to just over 6% of the land, and violence had increased as well. With the emergence of several Zionist terrorist gangs (whose ranks included a number of future Prime Ministers of Israel), there was violent conflict. Numerous people of all ethnicities were killed – then, as now, the large majority of them Christian and Muslim Palestinians.7
The Catastrophe
This growing violence culminated in Israel's ruthless 1947-49 "War of Independence," in which at least 750,000 Palestinian men, women, and children were expelled from their homes – half of them even before any Arab armies joined the war. At every point in this war, Zionist forces outnumbered Arab forces. This massive humanitarian disaster is known among Palestinians and others as ‘The Catastrophe,’ al Nakba in Arabic.8
Zionist forces committed at least 33 massacres and destroyed 531 Palestinian villages and towns. Author Norman Finkelstein states: “According to the former director of the Israeli army archives, ‘in almost every village occupied by us during the War of Independence, acts were committed which are defined as war crimes, such as murders, massacres, and rapes’...Uri Milstein, the authoritative Israeli military historian of the 1948 war, goes one step further, maintaining that ‘every skirmish ended in a massacre of Arabs.’”9
Count Folke Bernadotte, a former vice chairman of the Swedish Red Cross who saved thousands of Jews during World War II and was appointed U.N. mediator in Palestine, said of the refugees: "It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes.”10
Injustice Continues
Over the 60 years since Israel’s founding on May 14, 1948, this profound injustice has continued. Palestinian refugees are the largest remaining refugee population in the world.
1.3 million Palestinians live in Israel as “Israeli citizens,” but despite their status as citizens, they are subject to systematic discrimination. Many are prohibited from living in the villages and homes from which they were violently expelled, and their property has been confiscated for Jewish-only uses. In Orwellian terminology, Israeli law designates these internal refugees as “present absentees.”11
In 1967 Israel launched its third war and seized still more Palestinian (and other Arab) land. Israel also attacked a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 Americans, an event that remains largely covered-up today, despite efforts by an extraordinary array of high-level military officers and civilian officials to expose it.12
Israel militarily occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip – the final 22% of mandatory Palestine – and began building settlements for Jewish Israelis on land confiscated from Palestinian Muslims and Christians. It has demolished more than 18,000 Palestinian homes since 1967. In 2005 Israel returned Gazan land to its owners, but continues to control its borders, ports, and air space, turning Gaza into a large concentration camp, where 1.5 million people are held under what a UN Human Rights Commissioner described as “catastrophic” conditions.
Approximately 11,000 Palestinian men, women, and children are imprisoned in Israeli jails under physically abusive conditions (many have not even been charged with a crime) and the basic human rights of all Palestinians under Israeli rule are routinely violated. A number of prisoners tortured by Israel have been American citizens.13
American Involvement
American taxpayers give Israel approximately $7 million per day – far more than we give to all of sub-Saharan Africa put together. In its 60 years of existence, Israel, the size of New Jersey, has received more of our tax money than any other nation on earth. While most Americans are unaware of these facts (studies have shown that media report on Israeli deaths at rates up to 13 times greater than they report on Palestinian deaths) our governmental actions are making us responsible for a continuing catastrophe of historic proportions – and which is, in addition, creating extremely damaging enmity to the US itself. Israel partisans have played a significant role in promoting U.S. attacks on Iraq and Iran.14
As more and more U.S. citizens across the political spectrum and of all ethnicities become informed on this issue, they are demanding that their elected representatives change current policies. In recent history, the Berlin Wall has fallen, Northern Ireland has achieved peace, and South African apartheid has ended. Change is possible and justice attainable – when people become informed.15
Palestinian Loss of Land 1946-2005.
“Confusion about the origins of the conflict all too often has obscured Americans’ understanding of its true dimension. It began as a conflict resulting from immigrants struggling to displace the local majority population. All else is derivative from this basic reality.” – Donald Neff, former Senior Editor, Time Magazine, Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy towards Palestine and Israel since 1945.
“The story of 1948... is the simple but horrific story of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine... Retrieving it from oblivion is incumbent upon us, not just as a greatly overdue act of historiographical reconstruction or professional duty; it is... the very first step we must take if we ever want reconciliation to have a chance, and peace to take root, in the torn lands of Palestine and Israel.”
– Ilan Pappe, Israeli Historian, "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine"
“The Palestinian Holocaust is unsurpassed in history. For a country to be occupied, emptied of its people, its physical and cultural landmarks obliterated, its destruction hailed as a miraculous act of God, all done according to a premeditated plan, meticulously executed, internationally supported, and still maintained today...”
– Dr. Salman Abu-Sitta, "Palestine Right Of Return, Sacred, Legal, and Possible"
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